ASUS W1000 Notebook Launch (2)
We spoke to Mr. Benson Lin, GM of APAC, MEA Sales group, Sales & Marketing Div about the new challenges faced by ASUStek as we have more companies doing similar products and also diversifying. Benson feels that ASUStek has a leading edge over other competitors as it is a company that innovates and has its own brand. He mentioned that in order to keep ahead of competition, ASUStek will continue to innovate and keep abreast with technology. On the ASUS J101 mobile phone, we asked Benson when we would see them appear in the Singapore market. He mentioned that it would probably by year end and it would be something newer than J101. We were curious if ASUStek will release a similar AMD 64 based model. According to ASUStek, they have no plans right now. They will always be on the lookout of the market trends and decide later.
Instant buttons on the rear of the notebook to access commonly used applications
The touch pad
Remote control
The external hinge in contrast to conventional notebooks
MMC, SD etc card connector |
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