ECS EZ-30 Tablet PC (5)
Conclusion ECS is definitely diversing into different markets. From Mainboards to Graphics cards, SFF and now Tablet PCs. According to what we know, the price of this unit is around USD 1000 odd which is considered very cheap in comparison with other Tablet PCs currently available in the market. As most of our readers here are mainly PC users, this device does have a different use compared to your desktop PC. As it is based on the Crusoe processor which is 800MHz, you wouldn't want it to play Unreal Tournament or 3D games on it. For the education sector, Tablet PCs have proven to be a useful tool to take notes and to submit electronic assignments. As it is lightweight, it can be carried in a bag and serves as a slightly "bigger" notepad in replacement of pen and paper. With its wireless LAN option, it can be hooked up to the internet base station using normal or WEP. This gives it maximum mobility in academic institutions. For the busy executives, it serves as a better alternative than the expensive PDA plus mobile phone since it provides a larger screen and higher processing speed. You can still run your existing PC applications. No need to look for PocketPC versions or Palm version of software. In our tests, we managed to stream videos to the tablet PC, it works perfectly and that is via wireless network. It ran for almost 2 hrs before the battery goes flat. It is quite light weight and it is cool. Well, if you intend to get a Tablet PC and budget is tight, this ECS Tablet PC EZ-30 (128M) / EZ-30D (256M) would be good enough to serve most of your needs. Highly Recommended |
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