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ASrock 939SLI-eSATA2 Benchmarks 5/8
Bluetooth 8 Feb 2006

Benchmarks - DOOM3

In the game DOOM3, we tested the Demo001 At HIGH QUALITY 1024x768x32. With the new drivers, the NF4 SLI board scored 83.6fps which is higher than 6600GT (66.93) which scored only 78fps.

When we used the EPoX board with 66.93, it scored 74 fps but when we used Forceware 81.98, it dropped to 71.7 fps instead. This again happened on the ASrock board we tested. Although still a bit behind the NF4 SLI board's performance, the scores are higher than that of the EPoX 1697 solution.

In SLI mode, the difference is closer. As you can see, the difference is 7fps.

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