ECS PX1 Extreme
(i965P) Review Benchmarks 9/10
Benchmarks - RealStorm
This tool does realtime raytracing, a very
computational intensive application that does software rendering. Thus, it
requires high speed processors to do it. The author said "Of course
3D-Accelerators are getting faster too and evolve feature-wise, but beyond a
certain level of detail, a polygon has to be smaller than a pixel on the screen.
In this case, there is absolutely no reason to use polygon routines. So we
decided to use platonic solids combined with boolean algebra and raytracing. From the chart, we can see the the ECS PX1 Extreme performs well against the other boards tested. In certain tests, it loses a few points, that is probably due to the lower CPU clk. A half megahertz would mean a few 10 MHz after multiplying with the CPU Multiplier. The results are just slightly behind the ASUS P5B Deluxe.
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