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Foxconn 975X7AA-8EKRS2 Review Benchmarks 2/8
Bluetooth 6 May 2006

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In this test, we measured the CLK used by the boards when we set the board to run at 200MHz for Manual and AUTO. Using CPU-Z, I measured the CLK speed and found it to be 200.00. As we know that FOX ONE auto overclocks the CPU when running intensive apps, we used SUPERPI to verify it. Yes indeed, the FSB was increased by up to 25MHz when we used the AUTO mode.

The following are the memory benchmarks of the two boards in two different configurations. They're taken at CAS 3, 8-3-3 SPD timings of the Corsair DDR2-533 memory. As we can see from the benchmarks below, setting it to Manual and Auto gives a slightly different result. It seems that when setting it to AUTO mode, the bandwidth is better.

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