Jetway 775GT2-LOG
(nForce 570 SLI Intel Edition) Conroe Mainboard Review Benchmarks 10/11
Benchmarks - H.264 decoding
With the trials going on in Britain, Singapore and other parts of the world, new decoding technologies are still far from perfection. So far, from what i know, most of the H.264 AVC decoder resposible still requires high speed processors to be able to decode it real time at full frame rate. In this test, we recorded a 15s clip off air at 1920x1080. We played the clip and recorded the CPU utilisation levels of the different boards with PowerDVD 7.0. We were able to playback the file with or without hardware accleration (purevideo on 7900GT). With no hardware acceleration enabled, we are getting around a peak of 95% and averages around 35%.
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