EP-AF550G Pro/G (NVIDIA 6100-430) mainboard review intro 1/5
Introduction Last week, we reviewed the ECS single chipset 6100-405 mainboard. Today, we take a look at EPoX EP-AF550G Pro/G. This mainboard uses an enhanced version of the chipset known as 6100-430. (Comparison chart of the various NV integrtated chipsets) In fact, both chipsets are quite
similar in specifications The 6100-430 has 4 SATA II ports with RAID 5
support, sDVO video encoder and a full PCIe x16 slot (6100-405 is PCIe x8). This
mainboard supports four 240-pin DDR2 SDRAM DIMM sockets 1.8v DDR2-533/667/800
DIMMs with dual channel architecture. It can support up to 16 GB system memory
As mentioned before, the nVidia
nF6100-430 Chipset comes with Integrated Programmable Shader model 3.0 DirectX 9
graphics processor , Support Microsoft DirectX 9.0c , Shader Model 3.0 Graphics
Processing Unit , 300 MHz RAMDAC for display resolutions up to and including
1920 x 1440 at 75 Hz
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