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Gigabyte P35-DQ6 (Intel P35) mainboard review - BIOS Screen Shots 2
Bluetooth 5 May 2007

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AMD 690G Boards



Memory Multiplier or ASync memory setting allows you to set the memory to run in SYNC mode or at a ratio of the CPU freq.  
Gigabyte included a DLL setting for optimising the board for various ram types. No details were mentioned about what option1 or 2 is for which brand of DDR2 module. Ram timing adjustments with the usual CAS, tRAS, tRCD etc.
DDR2 voltage can be increased by up to 1.55v of default. Thus a  maximum of 1.8v+1.55v can be reached =3.35v PCie overvoltage can be up by +0.35v

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