AMD Phenom II X4
Processor launch date and Processor Information
Bluetooth 16 Dec 2008
Introduction to Phenom II X4 and Expected launch date of AMD
Phenom II Processors
We received news that the expected launch date of the AMD Phenom II processors
would be Jan 8 , 2009. Although it is a launch, retail products won't be
available till Feb 4, 2009. Pre-orders should take place in from Jan 8 onwards.
The first two models that will appear would be model 920 and model 940. Both are
45nm and code named "Deneb".
Model 920 is rated 2.8GHz (14x200) and is a Quad Core processor. It has a HT
link of 1.8GHz. It will have 256KB L1, 2M L2 and 6M L3 cache. 125W
Model 940 is also quad core and is rated at 3GHz (15x200). it also has a HT Link
of 1.8GHz, 256KB L1, 2M L2 and 6M L3 cache.
Some e-retails have already published their
recommended pricing on their websites. It is priced at 187 quid, probably a good
pricing for a 2.8GHz quad core processor.
Some features of the Phenom II X4
o *Enhanced Virus Protection (EVP) is only enabled by certain operating systems
including the current versions of Microsoft® Windows®, Linux®, Solaris and BSD
After properly installing the appropriate operating system release, users must
enable the protection of their applications and associated files from buffer
overrun attacks.
o with AMD Virtualization™ Technology
o with AMD Digital Media Xpress™ Technology
o supporting Split Plane technology
o supporting Dual Dynamic Power Management

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