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Decoding of VC-1 HD titles on Vvikoo 9600GT Turbo with Zalman's VF-1000 pure cooper cooler
Bluetooth 13 Mar 2008


Playback of HQV HDDVD edition

As the card uses the same GPU Core, we duplicate the results of the previous test here.

We checked on the cpu utilisation when playback back HD DVD titles. The first title is the HQV benchmark disc. Purevideo HD is turned on.

Using PowerDVD Ultra 7.3 Ultra we playback the disc and capture the real time CPU utilisation (a few loops of the title 2/23. An average CPU reading of ~7% is registered. Looks like the Purevideo HD off loads quite a substantial amt. of processing from the CPU.

Playback of HDDVD title - Bourne Supremacy

Next, we go ahead and test out the HD DVD title and it registers a ~7.9% CPU utilisation.

Apparently, the VC-1 playback using the NVIDIA cards has improved tremendously. Wth lower CPU utilization and better image quality during playback, the 9600GT seems to be a good option for HTPCs.

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