ASRock X58 SuperComputer Intel X58+ICH10R
Core i7 Mainboard
Review - SiSoft Sandra 2009 Benchmarks
In this benchmark, we check out the memory bandwidth of the system running 3 Kingston DIMMs at CAS 7,7,7,20,1T DDR3-1333. The results are 21.76GB/s (Int) and 21.77GB/s (float). The score is way ahead of ohter systems running at PC3-8500 as shown in the chart below. Arithmetic Processor test In this test, the Core i7 965 scored 84.76GIPs and a whetstone score of 76.99GFLOPS. The score is slightly higher than that of the benchmark system in Sandra's table.
Multimedia Processor test Again, we see the benchmark of the multimedia capability to be way higher than the other systems in comparison. It scored 152.14Mpixel/s in Int x4, 121.59Mpixel/s in Float X4 and Double x2 at 64.35Mpixel/s.
Cryptography Test We introduce a new test to our suite of benchmarks, that is the Cryptography benchmark. In this test, the processor scored 429MB/s for AES256 CPU Cryptographic bandwidth and 564MB/s in SHA256 CPU Hashing Bandwidth. The interesting observation is that the QX9770 seems to outperform the Core i7 965 both running at 3.2GHz.
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