Installing Windows Vista
Home Premium on ASUS Eee PC 900 part 4 Screen
Screen capture of Windows media player 11 on VISTA
Screen capture of windows media player playing back
DIVX encoded movie "Letters from Iwo Jiwa". The CPU utilisation fluctuates a
The above experiment proves that
VISTA can be
run on the Eee PC 900. I feel that it is not really that slow as some claim. I
spent 2 hrs installing VISTA on my Eee PC 900. It takes up around 6-7GB of disk
space. LAN, Sound, almost everything works except the WIFI. I am still trying to
find the VISTA driver for it.
If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to post your
question in the discussion link below (under
notebook section
of the forums). You may also want to read our
review of the eeepc 900 here.
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